執業經歷: 李云歌 女副主任醫師,本科學歷,心理咨詢師,病區主任。從事精神科臨床工作16年余,擅長心身疾病的診治,在抑郁癥、焦慮癥的診治方面有豐富的臨床經驗。目前任心身疾病科病區主任。 Li Yunge, female, Associate Chief Physician, Bachelor's Degree, Psychological consultant, Head of patient area. With over sixteen years' experiences in psychiatrically clinical work, she is an expert in treatment of psychosomatic diseases and she has abundant clinical diagnosis and treatment knowledge on depression and anxiety disorders. At present, she is the head of patient area of Psychosomatic Disease Department. 詳細介紹