執業經歷: 基本信息 職 稱:主任醫師 職 務:科副主任、支部副書記 院 區:西院 科 室:消化科 醫療專長:慢性肝病的診治及腹部B超的診斷 門診時間:周一上午(浦西) 教育經歷 1989.9-1994.7上海第二醫科大學醫療系,醫學學士學位;1997.9-2000.7上海第二醫科大學內科學(消化系病),醫學碩士學位,導師李繼強教授;2001.9-2004.7 上海第二醫科大學內科學(消化系病),獲醫學博士學位,導師邱德凱教授和房靜遠教授;2007.1-2009.3美國密歇根大學醫學院博士后研究 學術職務 中華消化學會消化道腫瘤協作組 成員兼秘書;上海消化學會青年委員兼秘書;上海消化學會胃腸腫瘤學組副組長;《胃腸病學》雜志 編委;《Journal of Digestive Disease》 編委 論文著作 論文著作: 1. Chen LS, Fu LN, Kong X, Xu J, Wang ZH, Ma X, Yoshimitsu A, Chen YX(corresponding author), Fang JY. Jumonji domain–containing protein 2B silencing induces DNA damage response via STAT3 pathway in colorectal cancer. BJC, 2014 2. Chen YX, Fang JY. Current Perspective on the Pathogenesis of Small Intestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors: Progress in Biomarkers and Molecular Events. Gastrointest Tumors 2014;1:2-8 3. Wang Y, Wang Z, Fu L, Chen Y (corresponding author), Fang J. Legume consumption and colorectal adenoma risk: a meta-analysis of observational studies. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 24;8(6):e67335. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067335. Print 2013. PMID: 23826270 4. Chen YX, Qiao L. Adenoma-like and non-adenoma-like dysplasia-associated lesion or mass in ulcerative colitis. J Dig Dis. 2013;14(4):157-9 5. Fu LN, Chen L, Yang J, Ye T, Chen YX (corresponding author), Fang JY. HIF-1α-induced histone demethylase JMJD2B contributes to the malignant phenotype of colorectal cancer cells via an epigenetic mechanism. Carcinogenesis, 2012; 33(9): 1664-1673. 6. Ye T, Chen YX ( corresponding author) , Fang JY. DNA methylation Biomarkers in serum for gastric cancer screening. Mini Rev Med Chem, 2010, Aug 18, Epub ahead of print. 7. Chen YX, Gorelik G, Strickland F & Richardson B. Decreased ERK and JNK signaling contribute to gene overexpression in “senescent” CD4+CD28- T cells through epigenetic mechanisms. J Leukoc Biol, 2009, Epub ahead of print 8. Xiong H, Zhang ZG, Tian XQ, Sun DF, Liang QC, Zhang YJ, Lu R, Chen YX (co-corresponding author ), and Fang JY. Inhibition of JAK1, 2/STAT3 Signaling Induces Apoptosis, Cell Cycle Arrest, and Reduces Tumor Cell Invasion in Colorectal Cancer Cells. Neoplasia, 2008, 10(3):287-97 獲得榮譽 2005上海市科技進步一等獎(排名第四)、2005教育部科技進步二等獎(排名第四)、2007中華醫學科技獎一等獎(排名第四)、2008國家科技進步二等獎(排名第五) 詳細介紹