執業經歷: 2001年畢業于中南大學湘雅醫學院,獲碩士學位。2008年獲國家留學基金委員會委派,赴加拿大University of Alberta攻讀博士學位。2012年在Alberta皇家亞歷山大醫院神經外科進修脊柱疾患的診治1年。2014年獲香港大學鄭裕彤獎學金,在香港大學瑪麗醫院研修脊柱外科。從事醫療、教學、科研工作10余年,主攻脊柱疾患的臨床診治、臨床流行病學以及椎間盤退變的病理機制研究。曾在全球多個國家學習交流。 職務 浙大一院脊柱微創中心副主任,浙大一院脊柱實驗室副主任、浙江省醫學會骨科學會骨病基礎學組副組長、AOSpine、國際腰椎學會(ISSLS)會員,Spine、European Spine Journal等多個國際雜志審稿人。 研究方向 下腰痛;脊柱退行性疾患的最優化臨床診治;腰椎間盤突出癥,椎間盤退變的病理機制和量化測量;終板病損的影像學表現和病理學特征。 醫療成果 專攻脊柱退行性疾患的流行病學、影像學和病理學研究,取得了一系列令人矚目的科研成果。主持AOSpine國際基金1項、國家自然科學基金面上項目1項,省、廳6項,參編《現代骨轉移腫瘤診治學》、全球首部椎間盤專著《The Intervertebral Disc》等著作。以第一作者在骨科/脊柱國際頂級雜志發表SCI論文18篇。近年發表會議摘要15篇,在國際著名脊柱學術會議作學術報告12次,受邀作國際學術報告4次。2012年6月因對終板的杰出研究獲脊柱研究最高國際學術榮譽、國際腰椎學會獎ISSLS獎。 主要論文: 1.Wang Y (王躍), Videman T, Boyd SK, Battié MC. The distribution of bone mass in the lumbar vertebrae: are we measuring the right target? Spine J. 2015 Jun 29. pii: S1529-9430(15)00652-X. 2.Guo Z, Yang J, Zheng Y, Wang Y (王躍). Thoracolumbar fascia injury associated with residual back pain after percutaneous vertebroplasty: a compelling study. Osteoporos Int. 2015 Jun 6. 3.Wang Y (王躍), Cheung JP, Cheung KM. Use of PET/CT in the early diagnosis of implant related wound infection and avoidance of wound debridement. Eur Spine J. 2015 May 31. 4.Wang Y (王躍), Nataraj A. Foot drop resulting from degenerative lumbar spinal diseases: Clinical characteristics and prognosis. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 2014 Feb;117:33-9. 5. Wang Y (王躍), Jan O, Boyd S, Videman T, and Battié MC. Occupational loading may not affect the association between vertebral trabecular bone and intervertebral disc narrowing. Bone. 2013 Dec;57(2):375-6. 6.Wang Y (王躍), Jan O, Boyd S, Videman T, and Battié MC. Regional Variations in Trabecular Architecture of the Lumbar Vertebral Body: Associations with Age, Disc Degeneration and Disc Space Narrowing. Bone, 2013 Jun 28;56(2):249-254. First author and corresponding author 7.Macedo LG, Wang Y (王躍), Battié MC. Letters. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 May 15;38(11):969. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e31828fca48. 8.Macedo LG, Wang Y (王躍), Battié MC. The sedimentation sign for differential diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis. Spine(Phila Pa 1976). 2012 Nov 28. 9.Wang Y (王躍), Videman T. Battié MC. Morphometrics and Lesions of Vertebral Endplates Are Associated with Lumbar Disc Degeneration: Evidence from Cadaveric Spines. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, Am. 2013 Mar 6;95(5):e26. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.L.00124. 10.Wang Y (王躍), Videman T. Battié MC. Response to “The association of low back pain with cadaveric vertebral endplate changes. A compelling study with overenthusiastic conclusions.” Spine, 2013 Jan 1;38(1):94-5. 11.Wang Y (王躍), Battié MC, Videman T. A Morphological Study of the Lumbar Vertebral Endplates: Radiographic, Visual and Digital Measurements. European Spine Journal, 2012 Nov;21(11):2316-23. 12.Wang Y (王躍), Videman T, Battié MC. Modic changes: Prevalence, Distribution Patterns and Association with Age in White Men. The Spine Journal, 2012 May;12(5):411-6. 13.Wang Y (王躍), Boyd S, Battié MC, Yasui Y, Videman T. Response to “Vertebral Fracture and Inervertebral Discs”. The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2012 Jun; 27(6):1433-4. 14.Wang Y (王躍), Videman T, Battié MC. ISSLS Prize Winner: Lumbar Vertebral Endplate Lesions: Associations with Disc Degeneration and Back Pain History. Spine, 2012 Aug; 37(17):1490-6. 15.Wang Y (王躍), Videman T, Battié MC. Lumbar Vertebral Endplate Lesions: Prevalence, Classification and Association with Age. Spine, 2012 Aug;37(17):1432-9. 16.Wang Y (王躍), Boyd S, Yasui Y, Battié MC, Videman T. Is Greater Lumbar Vertebral Bone Mineral Density Associated With More Disc Degeneration? A Study Using Micro-CT and Discography. The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2011 Nov;26(11):2785-91. 17.Wang Y (王躍), Videman T, Niemel?inen R, Battié MC. Quantitative Measures of Modic Changes in Lumbar Spine MRI: Intra- and Inter-rater Reliability. Spine, 2011 July 1;36(15):1236-43. 18. Wang Y (王躍), Battié MC, Boyd SK, Videman T. The Osseous Endplates in Lumbar Vertebra: Thickness, Bone Mineral Density and Their Associations with Disk Degeneration. Bone, 2011 Apr 1;48(4):804-9. 詳細介紹