執業經歷: 醫學博士,主任醫師,北京大學醫學部副教授,碩士研究生導師 ? ? ?從事泌尿外科臨床及科研工作10余年,具有豐富的臨床工作經驗,擅長腎上腺疾病、腎臟腫瘤、輸尿管腫瘤、膀胱腫瘤、前列腺腫瘤、泌尿系畸形、前列腺增生、泌尿系結石等疾病的微創治療,很多臨床經驗在國際上發表:在國際上最早提出輕型附睪炎可引起慢性陰囊疼痛并確定了具體有效的治療方案,應用此治療方案治愈了所有的此類患者(Chronic scrotal pain caused by Mild Epididymitis: Report of a series of 44 cases. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 2014, 30(3):638-641.);治療并報道了全世界第7例散發性腎血管母細胞瘤(Sporadic renal haemangioblastoma: Case report and review of the literature. Oncology Letters, 2013, 5(1):360-362.);治療并報道了全世界第8例腎間葉性軟骨肉瘤(Primary mesenchymal chondrosarcoma with bilateral kidney invasion and calcification in renal pelvis: A case report and review of the literature. 2015, 10: 1075-1078.);在國際上較早治療并報道了K粉相關的尿路功能障礙(Ketamine-associated urinary tract dysfunction: An underrecognized clinical entity. Urologia Internationalis, 2012, 89(1):93-96.);在國際上較早治療并報道了前列腺血吸蟲病(Prostatic schistosoma japonicum with atypical immunophenotying of individual glandular tubes: a case report and review of the literature. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2013, 44(4):568-573.);在國際上較早治療并報道了膀胱副神經節瘤(Non-functioning paraganglioma of the urinary bladder: Case report and review of the literature. Oncology Letters, 2014, 7(3): 891-893.);在國際上較早治療并報道了陰囊奇異型平滑肌瘤(Bizarre leiomyoma of the scrotum: A case report and review of the literature. Oncology Letters, 2014, 7: 1701-1703.);在國際上較早治療并報道了睪丸腺瘤樣瘤(Adenomatoid tumors of the testis: a report of two cases and review of the literature. Oncology Letters, 2014, 7:1718-1720.);在國際上較早治療并報道了臍尿管癌病例(Investigating urachal carcinoma for more than 15 years. Oncology Letters, 2014, 8:2279-2283.);在國際上較早治療并報道了酷似腎盂癌的腎癌病例(Renal cell carcinoma growing into the renal pelvis and mimicking transitional cell carcinoma: A case report and literature review. Oncology Letters, 2015, 9: 1869-1872.);在國際上較早治療并報道了后腎腺瘤(Metanephric adenoma: A report of two cases and review of the literature. Molecular and Clinical Oncology. 2013, 1: 1087-1089.)。目前已在國際重要的泌尿外科或腫瘤雜志以第一作者或通訊作者發表SCI論文25篇。作為課題負責人承擔國家自然科學基金(No.81101922)等科研課題6項。現為安徽醫科大學、廣州醫科大學、汕頭大學醫學院碩士研究生導師,廣東省醫學會男科學分會青年委員、深圳市泌尿外科學會委員、深圳市男科學會委員,《SM Journal of Urology》雜志編委、《Journal of Nephrology Research》雜志編委、《中華臨床醫師雜志(電子版)》特約編輯。 詳細介紹